Browse Author: Kerrie

The Leadership Power of Purpose

Do you remember that question you drove your parents crazy with when you were a child?


It was the most important, meaningful question you ever asked and nothing happened until you got a satisfying answer.

As we grow up our subconscious still asks the same question every time we are set a task or given an instruction. But as adults, usually we ask it subconsciously. And, unless we have been told the purpose for doing a task, we silently provide our own answers to that question “Why?”.

In the workplace, when we ask ourselves why we should do something, our subconscious response is based on our past experiences or our understanding of the situation or the person setting the task.

Our response might range from positive reasons why we should do something, such as “because I’m the expert at this” or “because it’s critical for successfully completing this project”, through to reluctant reasons such as “because I’ll lose my job if I don’t”.

If someone can’t instantly come up with a good reason to complete a task they may not bother. It may just continually slip to the bottom of their list, no matter how important you might think it is.

When everyone feels so busy all the time, the worst thing a task can be is pointless. If there is no purpose behind a task you can expect to meet resistance. It’s the same if something’s purpose is not clear.

For example, you will notice a huge difference in response between: “Please pick up the rubbish near the front entrance” and “Please pick up the rubbish near the front entrance because we want everyone to feel welcome.” The second includes a simple statement of the purpose behind the task and is much more likely to be complied with than the first one.

There is power in spelling out the purpose behind a simple task, just as there is in making the purpose of a major project, and even your whole organisation, clear and explicit.

Some reasons are much more satisfying or motivating than others. But any reason at all is better than no reason.

The point is that if someone is unclear about your purpose they are unlikely to make your task a priority. By explicitly stating the purpose behind any task, project or your very existence, you help people understand why it is important and they are far more likely to act in they way you want.

So spell your purpose out. Don’t leave it up to them in case they can’t immediately work it out. Every time you give an instruction or assign a task or establish a project or start something new, make your reason for doing so clear and explicit. Answer the question “Why?”.

(More ideas on the Power of Purpose in the Quick Tips below.)


“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming.”

Johann von Goethe (1749-1832)


* As a leader the ultimate purpose of all work is to realize your vision of a better future. Explain to your people how any task you are assigning, or new project you are starting, links in to this vision.

* Being explicit about the reason why you are holding a meeting will help keep everyone focused on the outcomes you need. A simple statement such as “The reason why we are meeting is to decide who will do what at the trade exhibition next week.” makes the purpose for your meeting clear and guarantees better results.

* Use the word because… For example: “I have asked Lee to help you with this because I want you to teach Lee how to do it. I want either one of you to be able to do it on your own next time because it is such a critical part of what we do.”

* Use the phrase so that… For example “Next week we will all have to use the stairs so that the elevator can be repainted to match our new decor.”


Quote – Unquote

“True wisdom is plenty of experience, observation and reflection.

False wisdom is plenty of ignorance, arrogance and impudence.”

Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw) (1815-1885)

I always like this quote because it emphasises that experience is not enough.  Experience has to be combined with observation and reflection in order to bring true wisdom.

Do you take the time to turn what you experience into true wisdom?

When should a leader or manager coach someone?

Coaching is one of the most powerful ways to improve employee performance that you can use as a team leader or manager. Once you know exactly how to coach someone effectively in the workplace you will discover that there are three distinct times that the power of coaching is most evident.

First: When you are faced with one – or more – new, inexperienced or poorly skilled team members. Coaching allows you to quickly and effectively enhance the skill-set of new, inexperienced or unskilled workers in a measured and focussed way.

You can focus on specific skills that are most critical to your day-to-day results in your own time frame, rather than having to wait weeks or months for an essential skill to be introduced in an external course or training program. And you can introduce your specific equipment, procedures or requirements at the same time as you are developing the skills, so no re-training is required.

Second: The special personal attention that coaching implies can be a powerful way to build employee motivation and develop a collaborative team culture. So when you are faced with an ‘attitude problem’ or a de-motivated employee try coaching to increase motivation. It can be far more effective than other ways of approaching this problem situation.

Finally: Use coaching to encourage your good employees or team members to become exceptional. This is one of the most beneficial uses of coaching yet it is often overlooked. Just because one of your people is doing well, don’t assume that they couldn’t do even better. With a little coaching they may become one of your most valued people, with just a little encouragement.

The secret to tapping the full power of coaching, and getting the best results from the coaching you do, lies in knowing how to coach quickly and effectively as well as being able to recognise when coaching will be worthwhile. But as a leader and manager when you know how to coach properly and use coaching in these types of situations you will be amazed at how team results and morale improves.

Leadership and management is already hard enough. You’d have to be crazy to miss using such a powerful, proven – and simple – tool as coaching when you face any of these three situations.


Learn how to easily and effectively coach employees in the workplace

I’m the boss! Why should I bother to coach anyone?

Well, the short answer may be: “With that attitude you may not be the best person to coach anyone…”

The longer answer may require you to honestly answer the question: “How is management going for you?” If every employee reporting to you is delivering exceptionally good and consistent results and you are happy with the way things are, maybe you have everything sorted and you don’t need to bother with coaching…

However, if even some of your employees could do better, or if your best employees always seem to ‘up and go’ just when you’ve ‘broken them in’, maybe you might enjoy better results if you did things a little differently.

Coaching is a proven and effective leadership skill that delivers consistent improvements in employee results for those who know how to do it properly and use it well.

Unlike management tools which revolve around control and authority (which are very important when the circumstances require them), leadership tools like coaching rely on so called ‘soft skills’ to influence, inspire and encourage different attitudes, actions and understanding in the person being coached.

Really effective leaders and managers are able to distinguish between the situations that require a management approach and those where leadership will be more effective.

If unquestioning compliance with authority is required (a safety situation, for example) a management approach is appropriate. However, when we hope to achieve performance levels that are better than the minimum acceptable standard, a leadership approach will use positive motivation to produce exceptional results.

So once you recognise that some situations benefit more from a leadership approach than a management approach you will begin to see where coaching might be useful to improve employee results.

When you know how to do it properly, coaching can achieve three things that will ensure your people generate exceptional results:

1. Coaching can build skill levels in new and poorly skilled workers quickly and effectively.

2. Employees who lack motivation can be encouraged to willingly contribute their best through careful coaching.

3. Already good workers can be motivated, encouraged and skilled to perform even better, potentially becoming exceptional employees, and willingly delivering outstanding results.

Done properly, coaching is one of the most effective leadership tools you can have in your leadership and management toolkit to improve employee performance and boost motivation and morale. It is a skill worth developing.

If you aren’t using coaching effectively you aren’t getting the results you could be getting from everyone on your team. It’s as simple as that.

Learn how to easily and effectively coach employees in the workplace

Does coaching a member of my team need to be done in private?

One of the questions I’m often asked by leaders and managers about coaching a team member to improved performance is whether coaching is something that should always be done in private?

It’s an important question to consider because it leads to a critical distinction you need to make in your mind, and apply in your approach to coaching in the workplace, for it to be most effective.

Namely, that coaching is not the same thing as discipline or formal counselling for unacceptable performance or actions. A good leader creates a context where warnings and discipline are rare, but coaching is common.

When you know how to make coaching all members of your team a regular and normal part of your interaction with them, you will be much less likely to need to escalate things to the level of discipline or a formal warning.

If you are regularly coaching even your best employees it becomes a routine part of your whole team’s commitment to continuous improvement to be coached. If everyone expects to be coached and the coaching is done properly and regularly, coaching does not need to be done in private. It is a normal part of everyone’s day. Your employees will appreciate your coaching and respond well to it. It becomes a part of the team culture.

Of course there will always be some matters that may be better handled confidentially. Just as some other interactions with an individual on your team should be confidential, but as a general rule when you have established a receptive team culture and are coaching properly it isn’t something that you need to do in private.

So, learn how to coach properly and establish a receptive context for your coaching and it will not only be more effective, you can do it easily, openly and quickly and still reap fantastic results.


Learn how to easily and effectively coach employees in the workplace


Who cares about coaching employees in the workplace?

Question: There seems to be such a lot of fuss these days about coaching in the workplace, but who really needs it?

Answer: You do! And so do the people on your team, if you want them to produce exceptional results.


Coaching is probably the most effective way to build employee engagement, skills and motivation. While there are other ways to build skills, such as external or internal training, most of them will require a significant level of resources. The resources required may be an investment in time, money or more frequently both.

Coaching on the other hand, when you know how to do it properly, may take you only a few minutes of your time and requires no additional resources or money invested in it.

Coaching is in fact quick and easy to do — once you know how. Of course, there are some traps you want to avoid. Like any skill, coaching can be improved through experience and effort. But once you decide to begin coaching your people your coaching skills — and the results you see — will improve rapidly.

Coaching is an essential skill that really should be a part of your leadership and management tool kit.

It offers a powerful way to boost the results that even a good team can produce.

Elite sportspeople wouldn’t dream of preparing for competition without a coach. Select a coach that you admire and think about how he or she would coach your people to better results. A good coach challenges and motivates, encourages and supports. Ask yourself how you could do this with you or team.

You will consistently see the best sports people attributed their success to the efforts of their coach. If you want to get the best out of all your people you need to care about coaching. In fact, you need to become their coach.

Learn how to easily and effectively coach employees in the workplace

Improve Employee Performance Through Coaching
Improve Employee Performance Through Coaching