Browse Author: Kerrie

Free marketing advice

One of the best resources on the web for marketing your services is Action Plan Marketing. Check out the website and download your free Marketing Plan Workbook and the first chapter of the InfoGuru Marketing Manual.

Changing motivations

Q. My biggest challenge is to keep staff motivated and enthusiastic in times of rapid change and increased workload. How can I do it?

A. In times like this it is really important – and valuable – to share your vision.

It’s your vision of a better future that motivates and inspires people to work as hard as it takes to change what needs to change and realize your vision.

So make your vision meaningful, inspirational and consistently clear.

Take every opportunity to demonstrate your own enthusiasm for the way things will be when the vision is real.

If you aren’t clear on your vision this would be a great time to bring in an external facilitator to help you build a vision which motivates, clarifies and inspires the commitment of your whole team to achieving it.

You can download a free Facilitation Fact Sheet here.


Q. How can I get people to do the boring detail stuff that just has to be done?

A. This is one of those questions I am often asked. It must be the bane of many a manager or team leader.

One of the best ways is to set clear performance targets.

Why? It needs to be perfectly clear that these tasks are not optional extras but a core part of people’s jobs.

So clarify exactly who is responsible for doing what and when.

Start by establishing (or reviewing) written position descriptions and key performance indicators, then insist on regular reporting of results against these and remember to recognize and reward good performance.

You might also like to read an article called ‘Getting what needs to be done, done’ that I wrote a while back for my ezine, Leading Well. The article outlines seven things I suggest you focus on when you need to overcome someone’s reluctance to do a task which is part of their role.

You will find many more helpful ideas when you collect your free Top Leadership Tips Workbook when you sign up for Leading Well.