Browse Category: Leadership Courses

How to get maximum results with minimum effort

Maximum Results with Minimum Effort

I guess that’s everyone’s dream. As a leader or manager your responsibility and role is to deliver set outcomes through the efforts of others – those people on your team. 

Your role is not to do the tasks, but to make sure they get done.

And that all sounds fine … until you are faced with an employee whose performance is not up to scratch.

Now you are confronted with the challenge of bringing their performance up to the required standard. And I’ve never met a leader who doesn’t experience at least a little sinking feeling at the
prospect of working through all the difficult issues that can be associated with changing the attitudes and skills of an employee who needs to do better.

If even one member of your team isn’t performing well, your whole team will suffer.

Not only will your team’s results be effected, other team members who are doing their best will become disheartened by the impact of any inadequate contributions and the whole team culture and morale will suffer.

Poor performance by any team member presents a situation you just can’t afford to ignore. It demands your urgent attention – and you had better get whatever you decide to do right, or the problems can just escalate.

So what should you do?

Faced with a poorly performing employee your options are basically to move them on or help them get better.

As the first option is an option of last resort (and one that is not always available anyway) I will focus on how you can help a poorly performing employee get better. When you do this properly, you in effect gain a whole new team member for minimum effort so this is a very powerful option.

You have three primary options available for helping a poorly performing employee reach your required standard of performance:

1. Coaching
2. Training
3. Performance Management

All are valid, but each is best used in somewhat different circumstances.

* Performance Management (or Disciplinary Counselling)

This should be reserved for repeated instances of poor performance and matters of a very serious nature.

If Performance Management fails to produce satisfactory and sustained improvements in performance, the employee needs to understand they will no longer have a role to play in your team.

When you initiate a formal Performance Management process, you should ensure you have the authority and support required to enforce this, should it be required. A discussion with your supervisor and with your Human Resources department will help protect you, should you need to remove someone if their performance doesn’t improve.

* Training is an often overlooked means of improving performance.

Many people who learn skills and tasks on the job could do things better with even a day or two of formal training.

This is even more so with ‘soft’ skills like leadership, communication and management. So watch out for courses and opportunities to expand the skills of all the people on your team.

Two disadvantages with training are that it is often necessary to wait for an appropriate course to become available and courses can be expensive.

* Coaching, on the other hand, is one of your most valuable  leadership tools.

You can use it every day, with good people who could be even better – AND with poor performers who need to improve their skills or attitude. Done well, it needn’t take very long, and it can show huge returns on the little time you invest.

Coaching doesn’t need any formal approval or additional funding and, by it’s very nature, when it is done well it builds team moral and makes employees feel valued and supported.

Of all your three options for performance improvement, coaching has huge potential to deliver maximum results for you with minimum effort. But it has to be done properly.

Once you have developed your own coaching skills you will have a powerful tool in your leadership toolkit. A tool you can apply not only to improve performance in poorly performing employees, but also to boost the performance of your best employees to exceptional results. All with minimum effort for maximum results – and who wouldn’t want that?

For more great ideas on how to improve employee performance through coaching visit:



“Leadership, many have said, is different from management. Management is mostly about ‘to do’ lists – can’t live without them! Leadership is about tapping the wellsprings of human motivation – and about fundamental relations with one’s fellows.”

Tom Peters (American academic)


How to Improve Employee Performance through Coaching:

Coaching is such a powerful leadership tool for improving employee performance – when it is done well – that I have written a new ‘Just the Gist’ Short Report on exactly how to do it to ensure you get effective results every time.

You will find all the details at:

*** Remember if you are already a member of the Leadership Coaching Club you will get a copy of this, plus a huge range of information, leadership courses, audio programs, ebooks and other resources when you login. (If you aren’t a member yet, you’ll find all the details at: )

On the other hand if what you want to do is discover how to improve employee performance and boost team morale through effective coaching check out our new Short Report at:

Kind regards


PS. We have a whole lot of things lined up to share with you this year. We hope you will be as excited about them as we are. Watch out for more details soon…

But for now check out How to Improve Employee Performance through Coaching and let us know what you think. That link again:

Beating Stress at Work

Thank you for your kind comments about our Stress Free course at – If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s still available – at no cost to you as a subscriber of Leading Well.

Once you do sign up, remember you must “Confirm your request for information” to receive the course. (This helps to protect you from someone else using your email address.) All you have to do is click the link in the confirmation message that I sent to you – Don’t skip this step or you will miss out on your information.

In this issue of Leading Well I’ll share one of the best techniques to instantly relieve stress at work. For more great ideas on how to overcome the stress of leading and managing people head on over to and claim your free course.

Kind regards, Kerrie


Beating Stress at Work

Nobody enjoys it when stress gets out of hand at work. In fact unreasonable stress can be one of the main reasons why good staff move on to other jobs. If it’s you that’s under pressure from stress in your workplace you need to know how to relieve stress effectively before you snap – or snap someone’s head off!

After practicing this, you should be able to not only avoid making a stressful work environment worse, but also handle the stressful situations that do arise more effectively.

Your best “instant” technique for relieving stress as soon as it strikes you while you are at work is conscious slow breathing. It can be done without leaving your office or desk, it is easy to learn and it can have almost immediate effects.

All you need to do is to breathe deeply and slowly, so that you are totally focused on your breath and nothing else. Focus on how you breathe in and out, slowly and deliberately. When you do it well, your concerns and tension will disappear after just a few breaths and you will be calmer and more able to deal with the challenges you are facing.

This breathing exercise can also be helpful at other times too, but you will find it instantly eases your tension if the situation is stressful. And you really can practice it easily while you are at work.

More on how to be stress free below:



“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.”

Natalie Goldberg


The Leading Well Bottom Line

Stress is a central part of the life of every manager and leader and how well you manage stress has a huge impact on your own life, your family’s happiness and the success of your team.

When you can manage stress effectively, not only will you enjoy your life and your role more, you will be able to ‘take charge’ and lead people through situations that others find distressing or even confronting.

Our latest publication from the Leadership Skill Center is ‘Managing Stress – How to Break Free from a Stressful Life‘. In this 50-plus page ebook you will learn:
* What is stress and how it can manifest itself in your life
* How to identify all the stressors in your life
* The right – and wrong – ways to react to stress and control it’s impact
* How to break free from a stressful life.

For more details visit:

And don’t forget to claim your Be Stress Free Course today at

The secret to less stress … free for you!

Today I want to look at one of the key challenges I hear about, from Leaders and Managers, all the time.Whether I am speaking at a conference, consulting to organizations or coaching leaders, either one-on-one or through the Leadership Coaching Club, what I hear about is – Stress!

Stress is a huge part of the life of every manager and leader and how well you manage stress has a dramatic impact on your own life, your family’s happiness and the success of your team.

When you can manage stress effectively, not only will you enjoy your life and your role more, you will be able to ‘take charge’ and lead people through situations that others find distressing or even confronting.

If you can’t cope with the stress, you will struggle to do your job at all, let alone well.

Because it is such a huge issue for so many people I have put together the ‘Be Stress Free’ course to share with you how to get stress under control in your life.

It’s packed with useful ideas, practical tips, bonus ebooks and other resources to help you break free from the tyranny of stress.

It really is $97 in value – and I may well start to charge that for it soon – but if you sign up today it will always remain free for you.

Grab it here now, before I change my mind:

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If you want more personal assistance than a course, you should consider the Leadership Coaching Club where you will find substantial assistance to manage all aspects of your role as a leader.

If you are already a member, don’t forget to visit to see all the new material that has been added recently. Here are some of them:

  • The Four Hour Work Week
  • Achieving Great Results
  • Quick and Easy Tips for Reducing Stress
  • Becoming and Innovator
  • Involving People in Change… and much more…

If you are a member you can login in to the Leadership Coaching Club at using your email address and member’s password.

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And finally, I currently have a couple of openings for private one-on-one coaching.

I only ever work with a very small number of senior and high potential candidates at any one time, and rarely promote my Executive and Leadership Coaching Services, as the limited places tend to fill up automatically from the waiting list or through requests for me to work with someone else in the same organization.

But, as people finish the programs we design, vacancies can arise and currently I can accept a couple more people. So if you would like to work with me personally, one-on-one in my private leadership coaching program, you might like to Contact Us asking for more details.

Coaching is typically done by phone or Skype, with email and state-of-the-art online facilities for support, making it available to candidates located in a wide range of locations.

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That’s all for now, but don’t forget to claim your copy of the “Be Stress Free” course now at and Contact Us for more details about my private coaching if you are interested.

How to Become an Ideal Leader part 6

Finally, you can not be a good leader until and unless you have good judgment. You must be able to assess situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution.

Good leaders develop judgment through experience – and sometimes that means making mistakes. You should not be afraid to make mistakes, but if you do make a mistake you must both learn from it and own up to it. This is how you develop the judgment to avoid other mistakes in the future.

It is this judgment that your subordinates will come to rely upon. Therefore, good decision-making is vital to the success of your team and your organization.

Leaders are not do-it-all heroes. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your own skills alone.

You should recognize and take advantage of the skills and talents your subordinates have. Only when you come to the realization that the best teams rely on the different skills and experience of all members will you be able to work as one cohesive team.

Remember being a leader takes a good deal of work and time. It is not learned overnight. And leadership is not about just you. It is about you and the people who work with you. You can develop your leadership skills through the special resources of the Leadership Coaching Club, if you join now.

So, do you have the drive and the desire to serve that is required of leaders? Do you have the desire to work cooperatively with other people? Then start now. Take a stand, develop your skills and make your personal contribution as leader today.

How to Become an Ideal Leader part 5

Once you have gained your team’s trust and confidence, you will be able to proceed to communicate the goals and objectives you want to achieve.

Communication is a very important key to good leadership. Without this you can not be a good leader. The knowledge and technical expertise you have must be clearly imparted to other people.

If you struggle to communicate how to do things, you may even find yourself giving up and doing what you should be assigning to others on your team.

Being able to communicate your expectations firmly and clearly, as well as how you want something done is an integral part of leadership. It also lies at the heart of how you coach, mentor and teach others on your team to play their part more fully.

There are many special resources just for members at the Leadership Coaching Club. Join now!

How to Become an Ideal Leader part 4

Having a clear sense of hierarchy, knowing who the bosses are and who to talk to, the organization’s goals and objectives, and how the organization works is one way to show others you know what you are doing.

Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It’s about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of what your subordinates must be.

Studies have shown that another basis of good leadership is the trust and confidence your subordinates have in you. If they trust you they will go through many difficulties for you and for the organization.

That trust and confidence is built on good strong relationships, your own trustworthiness, and your personal ethics.

The way you interact with your people, and the relationships you build, will lay the foundation for the strength of your team. The stronger your relationships, the stronger their trust and confidence will be in your capabilities.

You can learn how to lead easily, effectively and effortlessly at the Leadership Coaching Club.