I want a mentor

Q. How can I convince my company to find me a mentor?

A. If you ask the right people it will help.

Start by talking to your Human Resources department, as well as your supervisor, about all the benefits of mentoring, not only to you personally, but to the company. Even if they do not want to set up a company-wide mentoring program they may be willing to help you identify and approach someone suitable to mentor you.

Print off a copy of my article on Seven Good Reasons Why You Should Set Up a Mentoring Program Now to take with you when you go to talk to them. You could even leave a few copies of it lying around where it can be seen by others.

If that doesn’t work you may find it is more productive to take responsibility for finding your own mentor outside your workplace.

You will get lots of ideas about how mentoring works as well as how to find your own mentor from my free ten week Secrets of Mentoring eCourse if you sign up for it.