Leading through Meaning

If you have ever heard me speak about the Magic of Leadership you will know that I believe one of the ways leaders inspire others to follow them is by creating new meaning.

In his free eBook* on The Art of the Start, Guy Kawasaki describes what he calls the GIST (Great Ideas for Starting Things) of what an entrepreneur (or leader) needs to do when starting a new venture.

His first Great Idea for Starting Things is to Make Meaning and he offers some interesting insight into what that might mean.

“Meaning”, he says “is not about money, power or prestige. It’s not even about creating a fun place to work. Among the meanings of ‘meaning’ are to:

  • Make the world a better place.
  • Increase the quallity of life.
  • Right a terrible wrong.
  • Prevent the end of something good.”

Great advice for leaders who ever need to gather support, or who just want to be sure it’s the GOOD people who want to work with them.

* You can download your free copy of his eBook The Art of the Start in the Leadership Skill Center Members Area. Login here if you are already a member. Create a new account if you are not yet a Member (It’s free!)