Weakness and Leadership

“What does weakness have to do with leadership?” I can hear you ask. 

Well, the answer is quite a lot!  

You see we all have weaknesses, even exceptional leaders.  So as a good leader you need to know your own weaknesses so you can deliberately overcome them.  

We will always have gaps in our knowledge or experience, our understanding of another culture or even our customer’s reality.  We will always have better skills in some areas than others.  Sometimes the very habits or attitudes that have allowed us to succeed in one situation can become a weakness in a different situation.  

Have you given thought to what your personal weaknesses might be?

When we interview an applicant for a new position we often ask them what they consider to be their greatest weakness.  Someone who has considered the question and has a reflective answer that explains how they have overcome it, is likely to be a good employee.   

Similarly, as a leader you need to consider what your weaknesses might be in different situations and how you might overcome them.  

If you have been appointed to a new leadership role, it may be that the skills that won you your promotion are no longer enough for you to succeed in your new role.  You may need to develop a whole new set of leadership and management skills.  

If you are good at some things but have other things that you only do under sufferance, you may neglect the tasks you don’t like when you get busy – unless you ensure someone else on your team has responsibility for them.  

If you are male you will want to ensure that you appoint some women on your leadership team to understand their perspective. If you are selling to people from a different culture you will want to go out of your way to listen to your customers, respect their perspective and include people who share their culture in your team.  

Diversity of background, culture, skills, attitudes and experience in your team will overcome many leadership weaknesses if you value and respect everyone’s input and their strengths.  

As soon as we accept that everyone – even an outstanding leader or manager – has weaknesses, we can begin to look for the strengths that compensate.  

Exceptional leaders recognize and work on their own weaknesses, and they ensure that someone on their team has the strengths that compensate.  


More on how to address weaknesses in the Quick Tips below:



“Leaders are learners.  They learn from their failures as well as their successes.” James M Kouzes and Barry Z Posner, 1995


The Leading Well Bottom Line:  

You don’t have to do it all on your own.  Join us in the Leadership Coaching Club and leverage off all the wisdom, insight and experience of dozens of guest experts, other participants and your mentor Kerrie Mullins-Gunst. See http://leadershipcoachingclub.com for details. 



*   The important thing is not to torture yourself (or anyone else) over weaknesses, but to work out how to address them.  A weakness only becomes a problem if it isn’t addressed.  

*  Weaknesses are often the flip side of our strengths.  So a highly productive creative worker who works best with a ‘Do not disturb’ sign, may never be good at training someone else or talking to your customers. If you force them to do it, you may lose your productive worker and still not gain a good trainer or customer service person.  

*  Even though we can do something, it doesn’t mean we will enjoy it.  When we get busy or face pressure from change or deadlines, we naturally put off the things we like doing least.  Unless we have recognized this weakness already, and worked out how to compensate, a small weakness can quickly become a major problem.   

* Acknowledging our own weaknesses and encouraging others to do the same can help avoid weaknesses becoming problems.  

My tenth birthday

I have been working so hard on developing the Leadership Coaching Club I’ve been a little remiss in posting to this blog recently, and even sending out Leading Well, however I can’t let today pass without sharing the importance of this day.

KMG Consulting ten years ago

Today, February 18th 2008 marks exactly ten years since KMG Consulting joined the internet age.  

That first website at http://kmgconsulting.com.au looked very different from what you will see today.  (Maybe you even remember it? – If you do, a big Thank you for your support over the past ten years!)

Nowdays it is expected that any serious business will have a website.  But 1998 was a time when there were only about 2.5 million other websites in the whole world, so it was pretty fancy! 

No one knows how many sites there are today.  Some sources say there may be up to 550,000,000,000 with 7.3 million new pages added every day.  I certainly have many more websites now, as you probably know.  But that one was the first one for me so I wanted to share it’s tenth birthday with you.  

While the kittens sleep…

Hi there and welcome back for another year.  

If you’ve been lucky enough to have had holidays we hope you feel refreshed and ready for all of the exciting things we have planned for you this year.  We’re determined to make sure 2008 is just great!

Since the last issue of Leading Well our family has had two new additions … kittens called Smokey and Izzy who are (for the moment anyway) curled up asleep and looking adorable just beside the chaos they created moments ago when they were playing with anything in reach.  The brief moment of peace and quiet gives me a chance to let you know about two important things that really can’t wait:


The Leadership Coaching Club is just about ready to launch and if you are at all interested in joining, you really must make sure your name is on the advance notification list so you get to hear first when it is launched.  This is the only way you will be able to take advantage of the early-bird special offers.  There’s no obligation, and I’m sure you will regret it if you miss out.  Register here:  http://leadershipcoachingclub.com/

Setting up the Leadership Coaching Club has been a lot of work, but I have to say it is looking great and I think you will be really pleased with the way it helps you each month to become even more effective as a leader and manager.  


As well as finalizing the Leadership Coaching Club, we have been hard at work on several other projects that I can’t wait to share with you over the next few weeks.  

And one of them is ready for you right now …

We appreciate that not everyone learns in the same way.  Some people like to read to understand information – and that’s how much leadership information is presented.  However, other people prefer to learn by listening or watching.  So we wanted to help those of you who prefer to learn about leadership and management in this way by offering you some useful videos.  

But not just one or two leadership videos!  

We have drawn together the largest collection of leadership and management videos from all over the internet and added it to the Leadership Skill Center so you can access them easily all in one place at any time.  

It’s an amazing collection, with contributions from a myriad of different sources and freely available for anyone at http://leadershipskillcenter.com/tv right now!  If you can’t find some useful videos here, I’ll be amazed.  

Have a look and let us know what you think.  

Kind regards, Kerrie

PS. Here are those links again: For the Leadership Coaching Club pre-launch registration:   http://leadershipcoachingclub.com 

For the largest collection of leadership and management videos: http://leadershipskillcenter.com/tv 

Xmas news

It’s a busy time of year, and it’s hard not to wonder where the year went!  Here in Australia the days are getting longer and hotter, summer holidays are looming and Santa is struggling to stay cool in his fur trimmed outfit.  It’s hard to believe there have been record cold snaps in other parts of the world.  

But all that means there are a couple of things I want to say to you.  

First, thank you for allowing me to work with you again this year.  Whether I’ve coached or trained you personally or your whole business team, whether I’ve spoken at your leadership conference or facilitated your strategic planning process, or just visited each month via Leading Well, it’s been a privilege and a pleasure to work with you.  We have some really exciting things planned for 2008, so keep an eye out early in the new year for details.  

Last year we offered you some special gifts to download for Christmas to thank you for being a part of our life and they were very popular.  So once again we have gathered together a selection of special Christmas gifts for you and your family. We have added some to help you celebrate the festive season as well as something to help you get off to a great start in 2008. Please accept these Christmas gifts with our compliments.  You will find them here:  http://www.leadershipskillcenter.com/thankyou/xmas.php 

Soon it will be time to take a break to focus on family, fun and festivity for a little while.  We hope, like us, you can look back at lots of good things achieved in 2007, as well as being excited by everything to come in 2008.  

To start the year in mid-January the Leadership Coaching Club will finally open for membership.  Watch for it.  There will be special offers and bonuses for the first people to join as Foundation members, so watch your email from mid-January.  If you want to be the FIRST to know, make sure you sign up for priority notification at

http://www.leadershipcoachingclub.com That way you won’t miss out on getting in early as soon as it is open.  It’s going to be a great program that anyone who is serious about leading and managing people will want to be a part of, so you won’t want to miss it.  

We also have a whole range of other products and programs planned to help you on your path to easy, effective and effortless leadership, that I can’t wait to share with you next year.  

But for now Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at KMG Consulting and the Leadership Skill Center.  

…HO…HO…HO…  And I haven’t forgotten … Here’s that link for your special Christmas gifts again:  http://www.leadershipskillcenter.com/thankyou/xmas.php (because we know you’ve been good this year!)

Kind regards, Kerrie

PS.  It’s Christmas!  Of course you can share that link with anyone who would like to download a gift for Christmas.  Here it is again: 


Doing the Important Stuff

As the year seems to be slipping away I thought it was time to look at the fourth area of leadership focus: Getting Things Done. I hope you enjoy this article on ‘Doing the Important Stuff’.

And remember, the Leadership Coaching Club is coming soon. If you are at all interested in joining after it is open to the public, make sure you register at http://leadershipcoachingclub.com now, so you will be eligible for the very special offers when it is first launched. It will be worth your while!

Kind regards, Kerrie

PS. It’s my birthday later this month so if you read right to the end of this issue of Leading Well, YOU will get a present! 🙂


Doing the Important Stuff

In “First Things First”, the follow-up to Steven Covey’s best-selling self-improvement and motivation book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, he illustrates a highly effective system of time management that can benefit any leader or manager. Covey’s Quadrant method of time management has been adopted throughout the business world: in team building, project management, business meetings, leadership training and seminars to ensure you focus on doing the important stuff.

What Covey has named his Quadrants system is based on the theory that most of us are driven by a consuming sense of urgency. He instructs us to divide all our priorities into the following four quadrants:

Quadrant 1: Important and Urgent – Items in this category are integral to your success and require your immediate attention. They include: situations such as crises, emergencies, appointments, projects that have deadlines, and other pressing problems.

Quadrant 2: Important but Not Urgent – Items in this category are integral to your success but don’t require your immediate attention right now. They include: leadership activities like planning and preparing, preventing future problems, coaching and mentoring staff, building and developing relationships with others, considering new possibilities and opportunities, and balancing activities such as spending time with loved ones, or having fun and creative pursuits.

Quadrant 3: Not Important but Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your life, but they do demand your immediate attention. They include things that appear pressing on the surface (such as answering an insistent ringing phone or email), but probably don’t have any drastic consequences or repercussions for your success, or that may be able to be done by others or in a different way (someone could take a phone message for example).

Quadrant 4: Not Important and Not Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your success and don’t need to happen at any particular time (or sometimes at all, for that matter), yet doing them can consume your time and energy. They include: routines, distractions and diversions, time-wasters, and other things you can generally do well without, although sometimes they include things we just like doing that aren’t necessary or important.

What Covey says next about these Quadrants may surprise you.

He warns that the common tendency is for people to get wrapped up in Quadrant 1 & 3 tasks because of their sense of urgency. This typically happens at the expense of the much more important Quadrant 2, which contains many life-enriching and important tasks.

The focus on tasks in Quadrants 1 and 3 is bolstered by the influence of other people’s demands and forces outside yourself, including the impetus of time. Accomplishing urgent tasks in Quadrants 1 & 3 gives us a comforting sense of progress. At least we have achieved something (even if it wasn’t particularly important).

Tasks in Quadrant 4 are what we do to anesthetize ourselves to the stressful effects of an imbalanced concentration of our energy on urgent matters. We often hide in Quadrant 4 tasks, and use them to procrastinate about doing something else, like the more important (and sometimes more difficult) Quadrant 2 tasks.

The paradox is that by spending more time deliberately doing Quadrant 2 tasks, we can avoid many of the crises that fall into the important and urgent tasks of Quadrant 1 and delegate many of the Quadrant 3 and 4 tasks that still need to be done. This frees our time up to focus even more on the leadership tasks in Quadrant 2.

Quadrant 2 is where our true and lasting happiness and our most productive effectiveness resides.

The sorts of tasks that fall into Quadrant 2 are often the ones that we are most likely to procrastinate about or just feel we don’t have time for. But they can be the most important in the longer-term to get your creative juices flowing and achieve significant success.

In addition to the possibilities listed above, Quadrant 2 tasks also include: reading and expanding your mind, developing new skills and abilities, getting physical exercise, engaging in recreation and leisurely activities, devising and implementing systems, preventative activities, and envisioning and shaping your future.

Giving more attention to Quadrant 2 activities will make us more readily able to tackle Quadrant 1 and 3 tasks with ease and efficiency.

Where are you spending your time? Stop for a moment and think about whether you have got the balance right (a Quadrant 2 task) or whether you are letting urgency rule your life.

See QUOTES on ‘Doing the Important Stuff’ below.


If you ever procrastinate when you should be focussed on ‘Doing the Important Stuff’ you need to read ‘101 Tips for Avoiding Procrastination’. In this 60 page guide you’ll learn all the tricks, methods, and strategies for beating your procrastination habit.

Order now and receive these FREE bonuses:

* Time Management and
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in Step 2 when you order to save $9 off the cost of this product. Normally ‘101 Tips for Avoiding Procrastination’ is only $17 but for the next few days you can use this Secret Code to pay only $8! (plus GST if you are based in Australia)

That’s more than 50% off the full purchase price and a fantastic bargain! For less than you might pay for lunch you could be well on your way to kicking the procrastination habit and reaping the success you deserve.

More details at:

But ignore the price on that page because you are getting a special price. When you get to Step 2 of the order process just enter your Secret Code: BIRTHDAY-SPECIAL and the price will be automatically reduced especially for you.

This Secret Code is only valid up until my birthday on November 25th, after which the regular price will apply. So don’t procrastinate! Order now and start reaping the rewards today.



“I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.”

Marilyn Monroe

“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we know what to do with it.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson



First Things First
by Steven Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen R. Covey

How to Become an Ideal Leader part 6

Finally, you can not be a good leader until and unless you have good judgment. You must be able to assess situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution.

Good leaders develop judgment through experience – and sometimes that means making mistakes. You should not be afraid to make mistakes, but if you do make a mistake you must both learn from it and own up to it. This is how you develop the judgment to avoid other mistakes in the future.

It is this judgment that your subordinates will come to rely upon. Therefore, good decision-making is vital to the success of your team and your organization.

Leaders are not do-it-all heroes. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your own skills alone.

You should recognize and take advantage of the skills and talents your subordinates have. Only when you come to the realization that the best teams rely on the different skills and experience of all members will you be able to work as one cohesive team.

Remember being a leader takes a good deal of work and time. It is not learned overnight. And leadership is not about just you. It is about you and the people who work with you. You can develop your leadership skills through the special resources of the Leadership Coaching Club, if you join now.

So, do you have the drive and the desire to serve that is required of leaders? Do you have the desire to work cooperatively with other people? Then start now. Take a stand, develop your skills and make your personal contribution as leader today.