“Fix it” Quote

“Do it. Try it. Fix it!”

Sam Walton

It’s easy to spend so much time trying to be perfect that we never really get anything done.

I believe the best leaders pursue excellence rather than perfection. The distinction might be subtle, but it’s also very powerful.

Add a touch of magic

If you’ve attended one of our seminars or presentations you’ll know that we like to have a bit of fun, even when we are working hard. We believe that a good leader, and a good strategic plan, can create fantastic results, just like magic!

Ma’gic, a & n
“Inexplicable or remarkable influence producing surprising results.”

Just recently one of my clients reminded me that you can do magic at our KMG Consulting website.

Check to see whether you can do magic here.

New ‘4 Leaders’ podcast

Listen to podcast Grab a coffee and take ten minutes to listen to the latest tips and tools to help you mentor, manage and lead, in our first ‘4 Leaders’ podcast.

This show revisits one of the topics we are constantly asked about: Just how do you make sure your people do all of their job, not just the bits they enjoy. It features seven things to focus on so your people do what needs to be done, not just the interesting bits of their job.

4 Leaders podcast
After you have listened, please share your own tips for getting people to do all the things they need to do as part of their role, by posting a comment.

“New idea” Quote

“A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man’s brow.”

Charles Brower, 1959

Smart leaders nurture and encourage new ideas, whatever their source. Are you listening to unlikely sources as well as your usual advisors?