Browse Author: Kerrie

Inner Path of Leadership

I’ve just finished reading a book that I’ve been meaning to read for ages:

Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership

Synchronicity – The Inner Path of Leadership by Joseph Jaworski is a very powerful, personal and inspiring story about one person’s journey to leading change and helping others to shape the future through their individual and institutional lives.

Jaworski believes that by focusing as much on ‘being’ as on ‘doing’ we can create an environment in which what he calls predictable miracles will occur in our lives, in our leadership or organizational roles and in society as a whole.

Well worth reading.

Setting direction

Crisp: Organizational Vision, Values, and Mission: Building the Organization of Tomorrow (A Fifty-Minute Series Book)

Are you having trouble clarifying your vision and values?

This quick read workbook offers you a simple step-by-step process to work through. You can even do it yourself, if you don’t have a strategic planning facilitator to help you.

One of the Five Key Areas of Leadership Focusâ„¢, Setting Direction and Planning For Action, often sounds easier than it is. But if you don’t get this one right your leadership will be continually tested.

Two more quick tips for setting direction:

  • Read this article for more tips on Effective Strategic Planning.
  • Remember you don’t have to do it on your own. Call us on 61-3-9859 3924 for details of how we can help you by facilitating your direction setting process.

Nailing leadership

“Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose their direction and begin to bend.”

Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864)

Setting direction is one of your five key areas of leadership focus.

Good leaders (both men and women) not only set direction, but hold fast when challenged, through times of doubt as well as through success.

To nail leadership, hold to your chosen direction and demonstrate confidence in your decisions through your actions as well as your plans.

Leadership Coaching Club Questions Answered

Someone just asked me what this Leadership Coaching Club 10 Week Intensive was all about, so I obviously haven’t done a very good job of explaining it to you.

I’m sorry! I’m just so excited about it, it’s easy to forget that you don’t have all the details that I do! So, let me try to explain it to you a little better.

Over a period of ten weeks I will coach you through a special process to boost your skills in each of the five key areas that really great leaders focus on. They are:
1. Gathering support
2. Setting direction
3. Getting your message across
4. Getting things done, and
5. Getting results.

The way this works is, each week for the ten weeks, everyone calls into a special phone number to join a conference call for about an hour’s intensive work in one specific area. (If you ever need to miss a call, these are recorded for you to listen to later, but you should aim to participate in all the calls to get your full value.)

To participate, all you need is a phone. You don’t have to be connected to the internet at the same time.

You can phone in from anywhere you happen to be at the set time. This is very convenient if you travel a lot, or if you are located a long way from those places where most leadership programs are run. (The special phone number you call is in the USA so many people use a cheap phone card or even something like Skype to keep the cost of their phone calls low. But so long as you have a phone and you can call the USA with it, you can participate in all the calls.)

In addition to these calls, you have access to the Leadership Coaching Club private online learning area. This is a cutting edge online learning environment which is also used by some of the top universities around the world.

It allows us to offer you special access to helpful resources and useful information, including learning guides, activities and exercises that walk you step-by-step through the course ensuring you stay focussed and results-oriented every step of the way. You can access this anytime you have an internet connection. You can leave messages, ask additional questions, download the course materials, listen to recordings of earlier calls and interact with other course participants.

As your course mentor and coach, I am there to help you every step of the way. I am available to you personally throughout the entire ten week course. You can email me, call me or leave a private message on the online Forum at any time, to follow up any special issues or concerns you want to discuss either in the group or personally.

In addition, the number of people on the program is restricted to a small group, to ensure you get personal attention and make sure your needs are met throughout the course.

It’s a great program. Amazingly convenient, yet powerful. If you lead or manage people and you are ready to move to the next level, you owe it to yourself to join us in September.

Some other questions people have asked:

Q. How much time does it take each week to do the course?

A. To get maximum value out of the program you will need to allow some time to think about what we discuss on the calls, and to do some follow-up work, plus the hour or so to participate in the calls each week. So you should allow two to three hours most weeks. But you are in charge of exactly what you do and how long it takes you.

As your mentor and coach, I will help you decide on exactly what you want to achieve over the ten weeks, and show you the easiest way you can do it. You will not be inundated with reading material and information you don’t have time to look at, but there are plenty of useful resources like checklists, helpful tools and practical tips that will help you get great value from the program.

Q. Does it really work?

A. Well Yes! You can become a better leader and manager in just ten weeks – or it’s free!

It’s not that all the problems and challenges which are a part of leading and managing people magically disappear. They don’t. But you will know the best way to tackle them. You will know exactly what to focus on and how to do it. So instead of feeling drained and exhausted at the end of your day’s work you will be energized and satisfied knowing just how much you have accomplished. When you know exactly what to do, your enthusiasm is refreshed and everyone around you is revitalized and stimulated by your energy and motivation. Leading people can be easy when you know how!

We’re so confident of this, we guarantee your satisfaction. Register for it. Join in the teleseminars. Explore hundreds of tips and useful ideas. Print out and complete the workbooks. Test the concepts. Implement the strategies. Then decide. Anytime over the next year – 12 full months – if you are not totally satisfied that the information in this leadership coaching program is worth much more than the price you paid, just contact us to receive a full 100% refund! You have an entire year – risk free – to decide.

Q. When does the next Leadership Coaching Club 10 Week Intensive start?

A. Our next 10 Week Intensive starts in the second week of September 2006. Weekly teleseminar dates and times will vary according to exactly where you are located and whether daylight saving is or is not in force. You can download the full teleseminar schedule here.

The teleseminars are scheduled for Tuesday evenings (USA time – starting September 12) or the following Wednesday mornings (Australian time – starting September 13). Should you ever need to miss a teleseminar they are recorded and made available for you through our private online learning area.

Q. Do you offer a discount for groups?

A. Yes, we do. Talk to us. We offer both customized programs for corporate groups (ideal for companies with management teams spread over multiple locations) and discounts for multiple bookings from the same organization. Please contact us by email or on 61-3-9859 3924 for more details.

Q. I am in HR and I would like to know more about the program to see if our company might use it in future?

A. Please contact us by email or on 61-3-9859 3924 for more details. I am sure we can help you.

Q. Are there any bonuses?

A. Oh alright! In addition to everything that’s already included, if you register right away, you can have special access to three bonus audioseminars with leading experts on management, productivity and communication. That’s fantastic value alone.

But seriously, this is a great program, designed for everyone who ever wanted to come to my Mentor Magicâ„¢ programs but couldn’t make it to Melbourne for all the seminars. And at a third of the cost!

If you are serious about taking your leadership to the next level, you can’t afford to miss it.

Call me on 61-3-9859 3924 to discuss it further or you can sign up online now.

To recap:
* Download the schedule
* Download the registration form
* Or register online

And yes! There is a installment plan if you don’t want to pay the full amount up front.

Hope that helps. I’d love to see you join us in September.

Kind regards, Kerrie

PS Please pass this information on to anyone you know who might be looking for a great program to help them take their leadership skills to the next level. I’m sure they will thank you.

Motivating your team


Imagine this scenario: You have just bungled your latest project…

You have so much work you need to do. You are becoming a workaholic, you have tensions at home, these new kids at work are getting smarter by the day and your next presentation deadline is looming large. Any normal person can make a mistake, but you know you should have known better.

You are sitting at your computer wondering if this major disaster will cost you your job, when your boss just happens to walk by. You are scared stiff, fearing the worst. But what does he do? He gives you an encouraging smile and says “I understand. Don’t worry. I know you will do better next time. You will get another chance”.

VOILA! Your whole world opens up for you. You feel the tension oozing out. You get the drive, the enthusiasm to give the project all your attention again and vow never to repeat your mistakes.
This is what good leaders do. They understand us and give us support when we need it. They understand the human psychology of motivation.

Imagine another scenario…

You boss comes up to you while you are with your colleagues and friends and gives you a tongue lashing in front of everyone, detailing everything you did wrong and trying to shame you into performing better the next time.

How angry, upset and embarrassed does that make you feel? Maybe you even feel like leaving your job then and there, just to show that you have some self-respect?

This is what bad leaders can do to us. They belittle and embarrass us, and criticize us in public. When people are treated this way it is de-motivating. Rather than being inspired to work harder and better, they are more likely to start looking for a new job.

To get good results as a leader, you need a motivated team.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to motivate your team. If your subordinates are not giving 100% then you need to look at how well you are motivating your people each time you interact with them. Are you lifting them up to new heights, building their enthusiasm and boosting their resolve to do better next time? Or are you dragging them down by diminishing their self-confidence and self-esteem?

We get more of the behavior we recognize and reward. If the only feedback you are giving your team is about the things they have done wrong, you may be unintentionally de-motivating your people. Look for learning opportunities, rather than problems to be corrected.

Your own outlook and attitude as a leader must be confident and positive, if you radiate a positive energy and create an exciting environment by your enthusiasm, you will not only get your own work done, but your team will be more motivated to help you get all the results you need.

There are many ways you can motivate people to do what you want them to do. One of the simplest is to just pass on all the praise you get for their work.

Everyone likes to be recognized and appreciated. This motivates us all to do better. When you motivate everyone on your team you will find it easier to get great results as a leader.

More on how to do this in the Quick Tips below:



“A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than knowledge that is idle”

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

Don’t just think about becoming a better leader. Take action. Join us for the Leadership Coaching Club today.



Do you want to:
* motivate, influence and inspire others to produce better results
* get your message across every time
* make a good impression whenever you meet someone new
* get that job you want
* overcome resistance to change
* maximize sales while you minimize complaints?

Join me next week as I interview Australia’s expert in the Art of Influence, Paddy Spruce, for a free live teleseminar next week. You’ll discover:

* How to make a positive first impression so you connect with people and open up the way to a positive outcome right from the start.
* What the five different Styles of Influence are and when you would use each one.
* The four Stages of any Negotiation and how to apply them, even in a corridor conversation.
* The top mistakes 99% of people make and how you can avoid them.

Register now

There are a limited number of phone lines available for the teleseminar so don’t delay your registration.



* People are motivated by the needs they have and the values they hold. If someone’s values are not aligned with the values your organization actually demonstrates, they will never be motivated to support you. If you are struggling to motivate people on your team have a close look at whether your organization demonstrates the same values you talk about.

* People are motivated when they see the opportunity to fulfill their own goals. Look for those times when a team member’s personal goals can be enhanced or expanded to align better with your goals for the whole team or organization.

* The things that motivate you will not always be the same things that motivate your staff. The better you get to know the people on your team, the easier it will be to ensure you are motivating them in a way that is best for them.

The Leading Well Bottom Line:

You don’t have to do it all on your own. Join us in September for the next Leadership Coaching Club and leverage off all the wisdom, insight and experience of other participants plus your mentor Kerrie Mullins-Gunst.

Share Your Tips With Us:

* What are you doing to motivate your team to better results? Please let us know by adding your comments to this posting


AND DON’T FORGET THE COMPETITION just for Leading Well Subscribers:

Enter now and you could win FREE registration in the Leadership Coaching Club Ten Week Intensive. All you have to do is sign up for Leading Well then email us and tell us in 100 words or less:
1. What is the best thing about our Leadership Coaching Club Ten Week Intensive?
2. Why YOU deserve to win?
*** Please don’t enter unless you will be able to participate in the ten week program, starting September 13. See the full Teleseminar Schedule for details.


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