Browse Category: General

Measurements that matter

I’ve often heard it said that “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”. Yet there are some things in life that we measure that may be best ignored – like age or height or earnings.

And there are other things that we don’t measure that perhaps we should – like smiles or kindnesses or friendships.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

George Carlin

Are you measuring the things that really matter at work – as well as outside your work?

Free teleseminar invitation

You are invited to a free live teleseminar with Kerrie Mullins-Gunst and Brad Tonini on ‘How to Make it Happen Now!

You won’t want to miss this if you want to:

* set and get goals that enable you, and your team, to achieve more in your business and personal life
* work from goals that are both easy to get and worth getting
* get what you deserve out of life
* think bigger about what’s possible
* ensure all your team are working from the same game plan
* become a better decision-maker
* avoid procrastination and bring some of those things that are haunting you to a successful conclusion
* help others on your team to be more decisive and achieve your desired bottom line results.

Here is a free opportunity for you as a subscriber to Leading Well, to develop your leadership skills. You can discover How to Make it Happen Now! by investing just an hour of your time in this special teleseminar.

Here are the details:

TOPIC: How to Make it Happen Now!

Presented by Leadership expert, Kerrie Mullins-Gunst, with Business Performance Strategist, Brad Tonini

DETAILS: You can attend this teleseminar without even leaving the comfort of your chair. Teleseminars are the fastest, easiest and most convenient way to develop all the skills you need to mentor, manage and lead!

All you have to do is call in to the teleseminar by telephone from wherever you are located. Join us, as our guest at this teleseminar, and you will discover:

* how to get your focus right and work on your most important priorities with just “one hard thing” each day
* when and why you need to stop procrastinating and take the “fork in the road”
* the secret to how just a tiny percentage of your efforts can yield huge results
* how to surprise yourself with bigger and better results by harnessing the magic of thinking big
* how you can take control, pre-empt the future and get in front of the game with one simple adjustment to how you approach things
* the single most important thing managers and leaders need to do regularly in order to make the quantum leap to better results and avoid the trap of only getting what you’ve always got in the past
* the key to translating your organization’s vision and direction for your team so together you can make it happen!

DATE AND TIME: In Australia/Victoria: Wednesday February 14, 2007 at 10:00 am

DATE AND TIME: In USA/Los Angeles: Tuesday February 13, 2007 at 03:00 pm

You can use the TimeZone Converter to confirm your exact time and date at your location.

Mark this date in your diary now!

DURATION: The teleseminar will last for between 60 and 75 minutes.

COST: Complimentary for our Leading Well subscribers ($37 value). Be our guest! Register now and discover: How to Make it Happen Now!

Register immediately to secure your place and receive your login instructions. You will also receive Leading Well with a bonus Top Leadership Tips Workbook from Kerrie, plus Brad Tonini’s newsletter, if you don’t already subscribe.

I hope you can join us for a great teleseminar. I know you’ll be sorry if you don’t.

Kind regards, Kerrie

PS. If you are at all interested in knowing How to Make it Happen Now! then book your spot NOW. You can use a cheap Phonecard to dial in to the teleseminar.

PPS. Recordings of all our previous teleseminars are now available.

Building on Strong Foundations

What a busy and exciting year 2007 is shaping up to be. It’s only just begun and already we have some great events and special bonuses lined up to help you to develop all the skills you need to mentor, manage and lead.I’m sure you will be pleased to hear that the Leading Well Teleseminars are back for 2007, and once again, as a subscriber to Leading Well, you will be invited to attend free of charge. And we have some fantastic presenters all set and ready to share their insight and wisdom with you over the coming months.

Look for registration details of our next free teleseminar in your email inbox very soon… If you know anyone else who would like to receive invitations to our free live teleseminars please encourage them to register for Leading Well.

Kind regards, Kerrie



Two years ago now, my husband and I decided to demolish our old house and build a new one, complete with new improved global headquarters for KMG Consulting. We had no idea what we were letting ourselves in for, or how long it would all take. If you have ever done any building, I can hear you laughing now. And no, it’s not quite finished yet – but it’s very close, and we’ve learnt a lot in the process!

Anyway the reason why I mention this is because I can see a number of parallels between building a house and building your leadership. Both must be built on strong foundations and built to a clear, detailed plan.

Over the past two years we have pored over our house plans, checking details, picturing how we will use the rooms and visualizing what each will look and feel like. As a leader, every detail of what you are trying to achieve needs to be just as clear to you – and your team – as our house is to us.

It goes without saying that we wouldn’t expect to build much of a house if we didn’t share every detail of our plans with the people working to build our house for us. And similarly you can’t expect to realize your organizational vision if you don’t share it clearly and in detail with everyone on your team.

Your vision – the full picture of what you are trying to achieve – is critical for your success, but it isn’t sufficient. You also need to build on strong foundations.
If your vision represents what your organization is trying to build, your foundation is your purpose – why it is worth doing.

Share both the “what” and the “why” with your team. Then tap their expertise during an action planning process to determine the “how”. Check in with them regularly to ensure they have all the training, tools and resources they need and then let them get on with the job.

Focussing on the “what” and “why” will place your leadership on strong foundations as you realize your vision, just as surely as our new house is rising from the demolition site.

More on how to do this in the Quick Tips below:



“The superior leader gets things done with very little motion. He imparts instruction not through many words, but through a few deeds. He keeps informed about everything, but hardly interferes at all. He is a catalyst, and though things would not get done as well if he weren’t there, when they succeed he takes no credit. And because he takes no credit, credit never leaves him.”

Lao-Tzu (c604 – c531 BC)



* Ensure that your team not only know what your purpose is, but that they understand it. As their leader you may need to translate your mission or purpose statements into more meaningful language for your team so they are quite clear on the “why” that is your foundation.

* Where possible involve your team in the process of developing and modifying statements of purpose to apply at their level in the organization. This values their contribution and builds their ownership of the outcomes.

* Ensure the objectives and actions that flow from the “what” and “why” are realistic and achievable so your team experiences success as they move along each step of the way in your desired direction.

The Leading Well Bottom Line:

You don’t have to do it all on your own. Watch for details of our exciting new Leadership Coaching Club, coming soon. Visit to join the Priority Notification list.

Read past issues of Leading Well:

* You will find past issues of Leading Well and other useful information in the Leadership Skill Center Blog.


We will notify you when the date for our next teleseminar is finalized but you can keep an eye on what’s available (including details of how to access recordings of past teleseminars) here.


Services directory:

FREE MARKETING PLAN WORKBOOK – Have a look at this: One of the best resources on the web for marketing your services is Action Plan Marketing. Check out the website and download your free Marketing Plan Workbook and the first chapter of the InfoGuru Marketing Manual.

ADD AUDIO TO YOUR WEBSITE FREE – At the moment Sonic Memo Lite is free. The catch? You have to agree to join a mailing list (but you can always unsubscribe) and you will be offered a one-time opportunity to upgrade to the Pro version (but you don’t have to accept the offer). My suggestion is, if you do your own website, grab it while you can. You may even decide to buy the full version, which is what I use. Unlike other web audio systems that you have to pay for every month, this is great value at full price as it’s a pay once and use for ever deal anyway.

Surviving at work

Is this how you feel about surviving the working week?

What if leadership and management training seminars actually helped you achieve the results you need? Like our leadership development programs do!

Contact us for more details.

Greetings and Gifts for You

It’s a busy time of year, and it’s hard not to wonder where the year went! But I know some of you are keen to know how the Leadership Coaching Club is going. PLUS Santa has some Special Gifts for you later in this Christmas issue of Leading Well (because we know you’ve been good this year!)Santa

First, thank you for allowing me to work with you this year. Whether I’ve coached you personally or your whole business team, whether I’ve spoken at your leadership conference or facilitated your planning event, or just visited each month via Leading Well, it’s been a privilege to work with you. We have some really exciting things planned for 2007, so keep an eye out early in the new year for details.

One of the biggest events in 2007 will be the start of the Leadership Coaching Club. You have told us exactly what you want and I’m pleased to say it’s coming really soon. If you want to be the FIRST to know, make sure you sign up now for priority notification. That way you won’t miss out on all the special offers and bonuses for getting in early as soon as it is available. It’s going to be a great value program that anyone who is serious about leading and managing people will want to be a part of, so you won’t want to miss it.

We also have a whole range of other products and programs that will help you on your path to easy, effective and effortless leadership, that I can’t wait to share with you next year.

But for now it’s time to take a break to focus on family, fun and festivity for a little while. We hope, like us, you can look back at lots of good things achieved in 2006, as well as being excited by everything to come in 2007.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at KMG Consulting and the Leadership Skill Center.

Gifts from santa…HO…HO…HO… And I haven’t forgotten … Here are some special Christmas gifts just for you.
Kind regards, Kerrie

PS. It’s Christmas! Of course you can share that link with anyone who would like a gift for Christmas.

The actual link is: